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Online Courses for School students

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Online course with focus in : Algebra , trigonometry and geometry for secondary school students

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Online course with focus in : organic and inorganic chemistry. Focus in secondary school students  

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Online course for secondary school students. Focus in : semi- parabolic , thermodynamics , vectors and electricity

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About P2P Class Platform

P2P class is an Online platform that is part of a big brand called Tutoclass. We provide Online courses for students of secondary in schools of Latin-america. The subjects we offer are : Math , Chemistry , Physics , Statistics , English and  Economy. We have our own method which consist in teaching every student of each school according to his intelligence type and his particular way to retain and apply what he learnt. In each one of our package it is included the intelligence test. 

500+ Hr.

David osorio

Math Teacher - Electronic Engineer - PUJ

juan henao 

Certified Instructor in Physics and Economy - Industrial Engineer - PUJ


Certified Instructor in Physics and Math- Electronic Engineer - PUJ



Online Packages

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Free Package

$0 for 30 days
  • 10 hours of classes with a maximum capacity of 3 students in the virtual room
  • No recorded classes
  • No access to study guides and info-graphics
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Starter Package

$50 for 30 days
  • 25 hours of classes with a maximum capacity of 5 students in the virtual room.
  • recorded classes
  • No access to study guides and info-graphics
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Premium Package

  •  100 hours of classes with a maximum capacity of 7 students in the virtual room
  • Recorded clases
  • Access to study guides and info- graphics.
  • Detailed monthly reports about the performance of each student that is taking one subject or multiple with us.

Schools in latino- america telling really good things about us

P2P Class online plataform helped our institution increasing the retention of students in secondary. Before having this service for our students , the 70% of them failed Math , Chemistry and Physics every trimester. Because of this they moved to another schools. Now only the 10% are leveling these subjects. Additionally some of them will select engineering as their professional path. Juan Prieto- San Jose School - Costa Rica
The results in SABER tests in 7 and 9 improved a lot since we hired this Online service. Before this , our results in math , physics and finance in these test were terrible Raul Rivas- Achademic director Cobi School (Colombia)
P2P class Helped us to build an inclusive culture in the School . Sometimes is frustrated when the 50% of the students in each classroom do not understand math or chemistry because they learn in another way and using different methods. With this platform we found these methods and students that always failed math in the past started to improve their results and the most important thing , started to participate in the execute of activities and proposals related to these subjects Carla Alvarado - Director - Colo Colo School in Chile

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